My contribution to my church, Transcona Memorial United Church, when during the summer the choirs take a break and people from the choirs are asked if they want to sing, or play to provide “special music”. Recorded during the service, August 24, 2014.
Recording from the Christmas concert that our church choirs at Transcona Memorial United Church (TMUC) put on. The sound is a bit flat, and my voice is, well… mmm… judge for yourself. I hadn’t sung in days struggling with a nasty cold that kept me coughing and blowing my nose. On the morning of the concert I couldn’t even speak. Gradually throughout the day I managed to get my voice back and was able to participate in the almost 2 hour concert. I was scheduled to sing almost at the end. Not sure if that was a good, or bad thing. Accompanied by Steve who provided rhythm to keep me in time, I managed to finish the song without coughing and hit the “F” without choking… 😉
This was recorded, without my knowing, at a rehearsal for our choir show. Anyway – it is what it is. Enjoy, or not 😉